Sunday, September 8, 2024

Close push-up to wide push-up

IntermediateClose push-up to wide push-up

The close-to-wide push-up is a fantastic exercise to target multiple muscle groups in one movement. It combines two variations of a push-up to give the best of both worlds. The close push-up is a great way to build strength in the triceps. To perform a close push-up, you need to place your hands close together, just outside of shoulder width. When you lower your chest towards the floor, the focus is on the triceps. The wide push-up is a great way to strengthen the chest and shoulder muscles. To do a wide push-up, you need to place your hands wider than shoulder width. As you lower your chest towards the floor, the focus shifts to the chest and shoulder muscles. The close-to-wide push-up is a fantastic way to combine both of these movements into one exercise. Start with your hands close together and lower your chest towards the floor. As you press back up, move your hands wider than shoulder width and lower your chest again. This will help to target both the triceps and the chest and shoulder muscles. This exercise can be done anywhere, with or without equipment. It is a great way to build strong muscles in the upper body and can be used as part of a full-body workout. It is also a great way to add a challenge to a regular push-up routine and increase muscle growth.
Muscles Used:
Body Only

Benefits Of This Exercise

  • The close-to-wide push-up is a great exercise to target multiple muscle groups in one movement, combining the benefits of close and wide push-ups.
  • Close push-ups target the triceps while wide push-ups focus on the chest and shoulder muscles.
  • This exercise can be done anywhere, with or without equipment, and is a great way to build strong muscles in the upper body.
  • More difficult than traditional push-ups, it increases challenge to chest and triceps, and can be manipulated to increase difficulty.
  • It is a great way to add a challenge to a regular push-up routine and increase muscle growth.

Step by Step Instructions For Close push-up to wide push-up

  1. Lie on the floor face down and body straight with your toes on the floor and the hands wider than shoulder width for a wide hand position and closer than shoulder width for a close hand position. Make sure you are holding your torso up at arms length.
  2. Lower yourself until your chest almost touches the floor as you inhale.
  3. Using your pectoral muscles, press your upper body back up to the starting position and squeeze your chest. Breathe out as you perform this step.
  4. After a second pause at the contracted position, repeat the movement for the prescribed amount of repetitions.


  • If you are new at this exercise and do not have the strength to perform it, you can either bend your legs at the knees to take off resistance or perform the exercise against the wall instead of the floor.
  • For the most advanced lifters, you can place your feet at a high surface such as a bench in order to increase the resistance and to target the upper chest more.

See Also: Pushups

Warm Up Tips

  1. Start by lying on the floor face down with your body straight and your toes on the floor. Place your hands wider than shoulder width for a wide hand position or closer than shoulder width for a close hand position.
  2. Hold your torso up at arms length and lower yourself until your chest almost touches the floor as you inhale.
  3. Using your pectoral muscles, press your upper body back up to the starting position and squeeze your chest. Breathe out as you perform this step.
  4. Pause for a second at the contracted position, then repeat the movement for the prescribed amount of repetitions.


  • If you are new to this exercise and lack strength, you can bend your legs at the knees to reduce resistance or perform the exercise against a wall instead of the floor.
  • For advanced lifters, you can place your feet on a high surface like a bench to increase resistance and target the upper chest more.

Benefits of Close-to-Wide Push-ups:

  • Targets multiple muscle groups including the triceps, chest, and shoulders.
  • Combines the benefits of close push-ups (triceps focus) and wide push-ups (chest and shoulder focus).
  • Can be done anywhere, with or without equipment.

Close push-up to wide push-up Safety Tips

  1. Make sure to warm up your body before starting the exercise to prevent any muscle strains or injuries.
  2. Maintain proper form throughout the exercise by keeping your body straight and your core engaged.
  3. Start with the close push-up position and lower your chest towards the floor slowly and controlled. Avoid dropping your body abruptly as it can lead to injuries.
  4. Exhale as you push your body back up to the starting position, focusing on squeezing your chest and using your pectoral muscles.
  5. Take a second pause at the top of the movement to fully contract your muscles before repeating the exercise.
  6. If you are a beginner or lack the strength to perform the exercise, you can modify it by bending your legs at the knees or doing the push-ups against a wall.
  7. For advanced lifters, you can increase the resistance by placing your feet on a high surface such as a bench. This will target your upper chest more effectively.
  8. Listen to your body and stop the exercise if you feel any pain or discomfort. Consult with a fitness professional if needed.
  9. Remember to breathe properly throughout the exercise, inhaling as you lower your chest and exhaling as you push back up.
  10. Include this exercise as part of a well-rounded workout routine that includes other exercises to target different muscle groups.

Incorporating Into Other Workouts

One way to incorporate the close-to-wide push-up into workouts is by including it as part of a circuit training routine. For example, you can perform a set of close-to-wide push-ups followed by a set of squats, lunges, and planks. This will help to keep your heart rate elevated and provide a full-body workout. Another way to incorporate this exercise is by using it as a finisher at the end of your regular push-up routine. After completing a set of traditional push-ups, you can perform a set of close-to-wide push-ups to further fatigue your chest and triceps. You can also incorporate pauses or manipulate the tempo of the exercise to increase the difficulty. For example, you can pause for a few seconds at the bottom of the close push-up position before moving into the wide push-up. You can also perform the exercise at a slower tempo, taking 3-4 seconds to lower your chest towards the floor and 2-3 seconds to press back up. Additionally, you can progress the exercise by adding resistance. This can be done by placing your feet on an elevated surface, such as a bench or step, or by wearing a weighted vest. Adding resistance will increase the challenge to your chest and triceps and promote further muscle growth. Overall, incorporating the close-to-wide push-up into your workouts can help to target multiple muscle groups, increase the challenge to your chest and triceps, and add variety to your routine. Whether you choose to include it

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