Sunday, September 8, 2024

Single-arm low cable triceps extension

IntermediateSingle-arm low cable triceps extension

The single-arm low cable triceps extension is an excellent way to target the triceps muscle and create an intense arm workout. This single-joint isolation exercise will help to build and strengthen the triceps. To perform the exercise, you will need a handle attached to a cable stack. You will then drive the handle overhead to full extension. This exercise is usually performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set or more, and is best suited for an upper-body or arm-focused workout. The single-arm low cable triceps extension is a great way to increase the size and strength of your triceps. It also helps to improve your overall arm strength and stability, as well as your coordination and balance. Additionally, it can help you to develop better muscle control and endurance. This exercise is a great way to target the triceps without putting too much strain on the elbows and shoulders. To get the most out of this exercise, be sure to focus on proper form. Keep your elbows tucked in close to your body and your arms straight. Make sure to keep your core engaged and your back straight throughout the exercise. Additionally, be sure to keep your breathing steady and controlled. This will help you to get the most out of each rep and maximize your results. The single-arm low cable triceps extension is a great exercise for building the triceps and can be a great addition to your upper-body workout. With proper form and focus, you can get the most out of this exercise and see great results.
Muscles Used:

Benefits Of This Exercise

  • The single-arm low cable triceps extension is a great way to build triceps strength and size, as well as improve arm stability, coordination, and balance.
  • This exercise helps to develop better muscle control and endurance.
  • Focus on proper form by keeping your elbows tucked in close to your body and your arms straight, engaging the core, and keeping your back straight.
  • Keep your breathing steady and controlled to get the most out of each rep.
  • This exercise can target the medial head of the triceps specifically, and the cable provides continuous tension throughout each rep.

Step by Step Instructions For Single-arm low cable triceps extension

  1. Grab a single handle with your left arm next to the low pulley machine. Turn away from the machine keeping the handle to the side of your body with your arm fully extended. Now use both hands to elevate the single handle directly above the head with the palm facing forward. Keep your upper arm completely vertical (perpendicular to the floor) and put your right hand on your left elbow to help keep it steady. This is the starting position.
  2. Keeping your upper arms close to your head (elbows in) and perpendicular to the floor, lower the resistance in a semicircular motion behind your head until your forearms touch your biceps. Tip: The upper arms should remain stationary and only the forearms should move. Breathe in as you perform this step.
  3. Go back to the starting position by using the triceps to raise the single handle. Breathe out as you perform this step.
  4. Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.
  5. Switch arms and repeat the exercise.

Variation: Another way to perform this exercise is to use the end of a rope attachment.

Warm Up Tips

  1. Start by grabbing a single handle with your left arm next to the low pulley machine. Turn away from the machine and raise the handle above your head with your palm facing forward.
  2. Keep your upper arm vertical and your right hand on your left elbow to stabilize it. Lower the resistance in a semicircular motion behind your head until your forearms touch your biceps.
  3. Use your triceps to raise the single handle back to the starting position.
  4. Repeat for the recommended number of repetitions.
  5. Switch arms and repeat the exercise.

Variation: Another way to perform this exercise is to use the end of a rope attachment.

Some warm-up tips for the single-arm low cable triceps extension exercise are:
  1. Start with a few minutes of light cardiovascular exercise, such as jogging or jumping jacks, to increase blood flow and warm up your muscles.
  2. Perform some dynamic stretches for your triceps, such as arm circles or triceps dips, to loosen up the muscles and increase their flexibility.
  3. Before starting the exercise, do a few reps with lighter weight to activate your triceps and prepare them for the heavier weight.
  4. Focus on maintaining proper form throughout the exercise. Keep your elbows tucked in close to your body and your core engaged to avoid straining your shoulders or

Single-arm low cable triceps extension Safety Tips

  1. Ensure proper form: Keep your upper arm completely vertical and perpendicular to the floor throughout the exercise. This will help target the triceps effectively and avoid unnecessary strain on other muscles.
  2. Use both hands for elevation: When elevating the single handle above your head, use both hands to ensure stability and prevent any accidental dropping of the handle.
  3. Keep elbows tucked in: Throughout the exercise, keep your elbows close to your body. This will help isolate the triceps and prevent unnecessary strain on the elbows and shoulders.
  4. Control the movement: Lower the resistance in a semicircular motion behind your head until your forearms touch your biceps. Only the forearms should move, while the upper arms remain stationary. This controlled movement will maximize the effectiveness of the exercise.
  5. Switch arms: To ensure balanced muscle development, switch arms and repeat the exercise. This will help prevent muscle imbalances and promote overall arm strength.
  6. Focus on breathing: Breathe in as you lower the resistance and breathe out as you raise the single handle. Controlled breathing will help you maintain focus and maximize your results.
  7. Start with moderate weights and repetitions: Begin with a weight that allows you to comfortably perform 8-12 repetitions per set. As you progress, you can increase the weight gradually to continue challenging your muscles.
  8. Engage your core and maintain proper posture: Keep your core

Incorporating Into Other Workouts

One way to incorporate the single-arm low cable triceps extension into your workouts is to include it as part of your upper-body or arm-focused routine. Here's a sample workout plan that includes this exercise: 1. Warm up: Start with a few minutes of light cardio to get your blood flowing and warm up your muscles. 2. Compound exercises: Begin your workout with compound exercises that target multiple muscle groups, such as bench press, push-ups, or overhead press. Perform 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps for each exercise. 3. Isolation exercises: After your compound exercises, move on to isolation exercises that specifically target the triceps. Include the single-arm low cable triceps extension as one of these exercises. Perform 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps for each isolation exercise. 4. Supersets or circuits: To increase the intensity of your workout, you can incorporate supersets or circuits. Pair the single-arm low cable triceps extension with another triceps exercise, such as triceps dips or skull crushers. Perform each exercise back to back without rest, then take a short rest before starting the next set. Repeat for 3-4 sets. 5. Cool down and stretch: Finish your workout with a cool down and stretching routine to help your muscles recover and prevent injury. Remember to start with a weight that challenges you but allows you to maintain proper form. As you get stronger, gradually increase the weight or the number of reps. It

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