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HomeWORKOUTThe Isabel CrossFit Workout

The Isabel CrossFit Workout

I’m all in when it comes to CrossFit, especially the Isabel WoD! After giving it a go at my first CrossFit gym, I was hooked.

I wanted to know more about the score, equipment needed, goal times, level of difficulty, and the benefits of Isabel. So I decided to dive deep and get to the bottom of this workout.

From snatches to modifications, variations, and safety, I’m here to share all I’ve learned about the Isabel CrossFit workout.

Key Takeaways

  • Isabel is scored for time and the goal times vary based on the level of the athlete.
  • The workout targets speed, stamina, strength, and coordination.
  • Regularly performing Isabel can improve stamina and help develop coordination required for Olympic lifts.
  • Proper technique and form are important for strength in the snatch, and different snatch variations can be used.

Benefits of Isabel CrossFit Workout

I’m excited to talk about the benefits of the Isabel CrossFit workout.

With the right combination of speed, stamina, strength and coordination, this workout is sure to challenge athletes of all levels.

Let’s dive into the details and see how this workout can help improve your overall performance.


Although Isabel is a CrossFit benchmark workout, its primary goal is to move quickly for improved speed and stamina. Elite athletes aim for sub-2 minute times, while beginners can aim for 6-7 minutes.

Regularly performing Isabel can boost barbell cycling skills and help develop the coordination required for Olympic lifts. To get the most out of Isabel, warm up with dynamic stretches and practice reps with a PVC pipe or empty barbell.

Experimenting with different weights and snatches can also help improve speed and technique.


In addition to improving speed and coordination, regularly performing Isabel can also improve stamina. CrossFit Isabel is a great way to develop the stamina needed for sprints and other high-intensity workouts.

Interval training, combined with 2-3 CrossFit workouts a week, can further boost endurance and performance. Proper nutrition and hydration are also essential for maintaining stamina.

With practice and dedication, athletes can experience the benefits of Isabel’s fast-paced workout and see improved stamina.


Building on the improved stamina gained from performing Isabel regularly, the workout also has beneficial strength-building qualities.

Strength training exercises can complement Isabel training, while lighter weights can help build strength.

Proper technique and form are important to maximize strength, as are proper grip techniques and checking grip before attempting a snatch.

Different snatch variations, like a power snatch or hang snatch, can also help improve strength.

Warm up shoulders and hips before attempting Isabel, and practice reps with an empty barbell or PVC pipe for safety.

Strength and speed are essential for Isabel success.


I’m improving my coordination skills through the Isabel CrossFit workout. It’s a quick benchmark workout, and Elite athletes can finish in less than two minutes.

To get the most out of it, proper form and technique are essential. I’m working on different types of snatches, and mastering the phases of the movement—from the floor to mid-thigh, to high pull, to overhead.

I’m also practicing grip techniques and doing dynamic stretches to prevent injuries.

Isabel is helping me become stronger, faster, and more coordinated!

How to Perform Snatches

Learning how to perform a snatch correctly is an important part of completing the Isabel CrossFit workout. To do this, I’ll need to understand the grip, the three phases of the snatch, and practice the movement.

With proper form and technique, I can reach my goal times and reap all the benefits of the Isabel WoD.

The Grip

Gripping the barbell correctly is essential for snatches. Four key points to remember:

1) Use an overhand grip
2) Hook grip optional
3) Hands shoulder-width apart
4) Check grip before attempting.

A good grip helps to maintain speed, increase power, and prevent injury. Keep arms straight and shoulders down, and practice with lighter weights to perfect the technique.

Proper grip can make a huge difference in your performance.

Phase 1

My grip-work is now complete and it’s time to move on to Phase 1 of snatches: getting the barbell from the floor to mid-thigh.

I’ll begin in a squat position, with my hips down and chest up. I’ll drive my feet through the ground to stand and use my legs, hips, and back to lift the barbell.

I’ll keep my arms straight and back tight as I pull the barbell up to mid-thigh. It’s important to maintain control of the barbell, keeping it close to my body.

This is the first step in the snatch, and one that requires practice and proper form to master.

Phase 2

I’ll then move into the second phase of snatches: the high pull position.

To perform this phase correctly, I must:

1) Grip the barbell correctly;

2) Check my grip;

3) Lift the barbell to mid-thigh;

4) Pull it upwards and shrug my shoulders.

Proper form and technique are key to completing Isabel quickly, and lighter weights can help to develop strength.

Phase 3

Finally, I must put the barbell into the locked-out overhead position with arms fully extended and feet firmly planted on the ground. This is the final phase of the Isabel WoD.

Proper grip techniques and checking grip before snatching is important for strength and form. Different snatches can be used such as full, power, and split snatches.

Warm up shoulders and hips with dynamic stretches and practice reps with a PVC pipe or empty barbell to prevent injury. Experimenting with different weights can help improve technique and speed.

Only then can I unleash my full potential and complete the Isabel WoD!

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When it comes to performing Isabel, it’s important to be aware of common mistakes that can easily be avoided. Going too heavy, improper rep schemes, and poor snatch form are all key areas to pay attention to in order to get the most out of the workout.

Let’s take a look at the most important practices and mistakes to be aware of.

Going Too Heavy

One of the most common mistakes with the Isabel WoD is going too heavy with the weight. Going too heavy can lead to poor form and injury, so it’s important to be mindful when selecting the weight.

To avoid this, there are several steps you can take:

  1. Warm up with dynamic stretches to avoid injury.
  2. Check grip before attempting a snatch.
  3. Use lighter weights to practice form.
  4. Experiment with different weights before attempting the workout.

Improper Rep Scheme

I often see improper rep scheme when attempting the Isabel CrossFit workout. It’s important to properly adjust the rep scheme to fit the individual’s goals and abilities. Doing too many reps can result in fatigue, while too few can lead to incomplete training.

To maximize results, beginners should aim for 6-7 minutes, intermediates for 4-6 minutes, and advanced athletes for 3-4 minutes. Elite athletes should strive for 2 minutes or less.

With practice, the right rep scheme can help achieve these goals safely and efficiently.

Recommended Rep Schemes for Isabel WoD

Building off the discussion of improper rep scheme, it’s important to understand the recommended rep schemes for Isabel WoD in order to maximize results and avoid common mistakes.

Here are 4 guidelines to keep in mind:

1) Move quickly for speed and stamina.

2) Focus on proper form.

3) Warm up with dynamic stretches.

4) Experiment with different weights.

With these tips, you can increase your speed, stamina, and strength while ensuring proper technique and safety.

Poor Snatch Form

Have you ever wondered what the common mistakes are when performing the snatch during the Isabel WoD?

Poor form is a common issue that can lead to injury and slow times. To maintain proper form, use a wide grip, pull the barbell close to the body, and keep the elbows high.

Don’t use too much weight, and practice with lighter weights to build strength. Warm up with dynamic stretches and a specific warmup with PVC pipe or empty barbell for practice reps.

With proper form and practice, you can complete Isabel with excellent times and safety.

Modifications and Variations

For Isabel, there are modifications and variations for beginner and intermediate athletes. These include power snatches, hang snatches, and even dumbbell or kettlebell snatches.

With these options, athletes of all levels can benefit from this versatile workout.

Beginner and Intermediate Versions

I’ve got four variations for beginners and intermediate athletes to help them complete the Isabel CrossFit workout:

  1. Reduce weight and reps

  2. Use an empty barbell for practice reps

  3. Switch from full snatch to power snatch

  4. Use dumbbells or kettlebells.

For those who can’t do the workout as written, scaling options are available. Practicing with lighter weights and movement modifications can help you develop the strength and technique needed to meet your goal times.

Warm up and take safety precautions to avoid injury.

Power Snatches

Building on the variations and modifications discussed for beginners and intermediate athletes, power snatches are another good option for completing the Isabel CrossFit workout.

These involve a shorter range of motion and can be done with lighter weights, making them an ideal way to both build strength and increase speed.

Power snatches can be done with a barbell, dumbbell, or even a kettlebell.

Make sure to practice proper form and technique, and warm up with dynamic stretching for safety.

Hang Snatches

I’m going to discuss hang snatches and how to modify and vary them for the Isabel CrossFit workout.

Hang snatches can help build strength and coordination, and can be done with lighter weights to practice technique.

Here are 4 tips:

1 Warm up with dynamic stretches.

2 Practice reps with PVC pipe or empty barbell.

3 Experiment with different weights.

4 Maintain proper form.

Hang snatches are an important part of the Isabel WoD and shouldn’t be overlooked.

Dumbbell or Kettlebell Snatches

Continuing on from hang snatches, another modification for the Isabel CrossFit workout is to do dumbbell or kettlebell snatches. These are slightly easier on the shoulders and wrist than barbell snatches, but still provide a good workout.

To ensure safe execution, use light weights to practice form and technique before doing heavier lifts. When lifting, engage the core, keep the back flat, and adjust the grip as needed.

Use dynamic stretches to warm up the shoulders and hips before doing snatches and take breaks as needed.

Strategy for Isabel WoD

The Isabel WoD is all about speed and efficiency. It’s important to know the movements and the correct technique to complete the workout as quickly as possible.

To get the most out of the workout, developing a strategy for the snatch is key. Planning out the reps is also important in achieving the desired time goal.

Movements: Snatch

Focusing on the snatch for Isabel WoD, I’m all about perfecting technique and form. Here’s what I know:

1) Different types of snatches: full, power, split.

2) Proper grip techniques, checking grip.

3) Phases: from floor to mid-thigh, mid-thigh to high pull, locked-out overhead.

4) Warm up w/dynamic stretches and practice reps.

Technique and form key for strength, speed, and safety.

Completing Isabel as Quickly as Possible

Once you’ve perfected your technique and form, the next step is to develop a strategy for completing Isabel as quickly as possible.

Start by focusing on speed and stamina. Aim for sub-2 minute times for elite athletes, and 6-7 minutes for beginners.

Increase your speed by doing resistance sprint drills and performing regular CrossFit workouts 2-3 times per week. Strength training can also help you reach your goal times.

Be sure to warm up and practice reps before attempting the workout for safety.

Options for Progression

One of the best ways to progress with the Isabel CrossFit Workout is to decrease the weight used over time. This can help build strength and help you achieve your goal times faster.

Additionally, it also allows you to practice the motion with proper form, which is key to success.

Decreasing Weight

I’m always looking for ways to reduce the weight when performing the Isabel WoD. Here are four ways to do so:

1) Use lighter weight plates.
2) Reduce the reps per round.
3) Use a power snatch instead of a full snatch.
4) Practice with an empty barbell.

Reducing the weight can help improve technique and overall performance, while avoiding potential injuries. It’s important to find the right balance between weight and speed for your goals.


Wrapping up, I’ve summed up the Isabel CrossFit workout.

Isabel CrossFit is a high-intensity workout that involves performing 30 snatches for time.

This workout has numerous benefits, including improved strength, stamina, coordination, and overall fitness.

To get the most out of Isabel, it’s important to follow some training tips. These include focusing on maintaining proper form throughout the workout, pacing yourself to avoid burnout, and gradually increasing the weight as you progress.

Modifications can be made to suit different fitness levels and abilities. For beginners, it’s recommended to start with a lighter weight and focus on technique before increasing the intensity. Advanced athletes can challenge themselves by using heavier weights and aiming for faster times.

Safety considerations should also be taken into account when performing Isabel. It’s crucial to warm up properly before starting the workout to prevent injuries. Additionally, listening to your body and knowing when to rest or modify the workout is essential for avoiding overexertion and strain.

Whether you’re a beginner or an elite athlete, Isabel can be a valuable addition to your fitness routine. By following the proper form, warming up adequately, and fueling your body with proper nutrition, you’ll be on your way to achieving your goals in no time.

Mohammed Riad
Mohammed Riad
Mohammed Riad is not just any pro bodybuilder; he's a testament to discipline, dedication, and drive. His chiseled physique speaks volumes of his commitment to the sport, but there's more to Mohammed than meets the eye. Beyond the weights and the stage, he's an avid writer, seamlessly weaving his extensive knowledge of bodybuilding into compelling narratives. Mohammed's articles at The Body Builder, formerly know as Body Guider, bridge the gap between hardcore training techniques and the philosophy of bodybuilding, making them invaluable resources for both seasoned athletes and newcomers to the sport. His unique blend of physical prowess and intellectual depth has earned him respect both inside and outside the gym. Through his words and his physique, Mohammed Riad continues to inspire and enlighten the fitness community, proving that muscles and mind can, indeed, coexist powerfully.

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