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HomeBodybuildingWhat Does Natty Mean In Bodybuilding?

What Does Natty Mean In Bodybuilding?

In the world of bodybuilding, a sport celebrated for its dedication to physical excellence, the term ‘natty’ plays a pivotal role. ‘Natty’, short for natural, distinguishes those bodybuilders who achieve their physical goals without the aid of performance-enhancing drugs. This concept extends beyond mere terminology to embody a lifestyle and a set of values within the bodybuilding community.

This comprehensive article will delve into the myriad dimensions of being ‘natty’ in bodybuilding. It will clarify the definition of ‘natty’, contrasting a natty bodybuilder with their non-natty counterparts, and discuss the implications of these distinctions.

Furthermore, we’ll examine whether being natty matters in the realm of bodybuilding, how to discern if someone is maintaining a natty physique, and address queries like ‘is taking creatine considered natty?’, ‘what does natty mean in bodybuilding?’, and the broader significance of ‘natty’ in fitness culture.

Key Takeaways

  • Natty in bodybuilding refers to achieving fitness goals without the use of performance-enhancing drugs.
  • Natty bodybuilders emphasize natural, drug-free bodybuilding and fitness achievement.
  • The term natty distinguishes bodybuilders who rely solely on their own efforts and genetics.
  • Determining if someone is natty or not can be challenging without drug tests or competition results.

What Does Natty Mean in Body Building

Natty is a term used in the bodybuilding community to signify an individual’s achievement of fitness goals without the use of performance-enhancing drugs. It emphasizes natural, drug-free bodybuilding and fitness achievement, distinguishing bodybuilders who rely solely on their own efforts and genetics.

Some natty bodybuilders look down on those using PEDs as a shortcut. Declaring someone as not natty is taken seriously, and there is no concrete definition of what makes someone not natty. It is subjective and varies from person to person, but it is recognizable when seen.

Ancient statues of legendary figures depict well-defined physiques achieved naturally, showing that strong bodies can be built without steroids.

Natty is a term that signifies drug-free bodybuilding and fitness achievement.

Can a Body Builder Be Natty

It is possible for bodybuilders to achieve their desired physique without the use of performance-enhancing drugs. Natty bodybuilding involves dedication, discipline, and hard work, and it is possible to get excellent results without the use of steroids or other performance-enhancing substances.

Advantages of Natty Bodybuilding:

  • Improved health
  • Lower risk of side effects

Disadvantages of Natty Bodybuilding:

  • Slower results
  • Limited muscle size potential

The goal of natty bodybuilding is to maximize muscular potential without the use of PEDs. Natty bodybuilders achieve and maintain a muscular physique through dieting, training, and supplementation. The dedication and commitment required to stay natty are often greater than those required to use performance-enhancing drugs. However, the end results are healthier and more sustainable in the long run.

Check out our ultimate guide to natural bodybuilding.

Does It Matter If a Body Builder or Athlete is Natty or Not

Whether an individual is natty or not is a matter of personal perspective and opinion. Natty refers to bodybuilding and fitness achievement without the use of performance-enhancing drugs. The term is subjective and varies from person to person, and determining natty status can be challenging.

Some advocate for keeping the bodybuilding world as natural and honest as possible, while others are open to the use of performance-enhancing drugs if it is transparent. Supplements such as creatine are natural and not considered performance-enhancing drugs, so taking them does not jeopardize one’s natty status. The same goes for most pre-workout supplements.

Consuming anabolic steroids or SARMs, however, is considered non-natty and pushes one into the not-natty category. Ultimately, it is a personal choice and not something to be ashamed of, as many fitness models and professional athletes use steroids and PEDs.

Is Creatine Natty

Creatine is a naturally occurring compound found in the body and in red meats. It is allowed by the International Olympic Committee and World Anti-Doping Association for athletes to use. It is considered a supplement, not a performance-enhancing drug. Creatine is often used by bodybuilders and athletes to improve their performance.

Using Creatine Does Not Jeopardize Natty Status. Creatine is natural, and does not push someone into the not-natty category. Other forms of supplements, such as pre-workouts, do not affect natty status either.

What Does Affect Natty Status? Anabolic steroids, SARMs, and other banned substances. Exaggerated size and leanness. Superhuman strength. Rapid muscle growth and extreme muscle separation.

Creatine is a safe and effective way to improve performance and is approved for use by athletes and bodybuilders. It does not jeopardize one’s natty status and is a great way to supplement a healthy diet and training routine.

Are Pre-Workout Supplements Natty

Creatine is a supplement that is natural and allowed by the International Olympic Committee and World Anti-Doping Association, so it does not jeopardize one’s natty status.

Pre-workout supplements are a different matter, however. Generally, the ingredients in pre-workout supplements, such as caffeine, nitrogen, glucose, BCAAs, and creatine, are natural and do not push someone into the not-natty category.

It is only the use of anabolic steroids, SARMs, or other banned substances that would make someone not-natty. Natty or not-natty designation is based on the use of these prohibited substances.

Those who use them aim for bigger, stronger, and faster results, although it is a personal choice with risks and advantages. Professional athletes and fitness models commonly use steroids and PEDs.

Are Steroids or PEDs Natty

The use of anabolic steroids, SARMs, or other banned substances will disqualify someone from being considered natty. Natty status is determined by the use of these substances. Those who use them are aiming for a bigger, stronger, and faster body. Non-natty bodybuilders are comfortable with the risks and advantages of using these substances.


  • Increase muscle size
  • Improve performance


  • Potential health risks
  • Possible legal consequences

How Do You Tell If Someone is Natty

It can be difficult to assess whether someone is natty or not without drug tests or competition results. Signs such as exaggerated size, superhuman strength, and rapid muscle growth may indicate the use of performance-enhancing substances. However, creatine and other pre-workout supplements are natural and do not negate natty status.

Ultimately, natty status is determined by the use of banned substances. Anabolic steroids, SARMs, and other PEDs cross the line into non-natty territory, and those who use these substances aim for bigger, stronger, and faster bodies. While it is a personal choice, it is important to understand the risks and advantages of using these substances.

How To Tell If Someone Is Using Steroids To Build Muscle

To determine if someone is using steroids to build muscle, there are certain signs that may indicate the use of performance-enhancing substances. These include:

  • Exaggerated size and leanness
  • Superhuman strength compared to peers of similar size
  • Rapid muscle growth
  • Extreme muscle separation

Steroids and PEDs are known for pushing individuals beyond natural limits, allowing them to achieve bigger, stronger, and faster bodies. The use of anabolic steroids and SARMs cross the line from natty to non-natty, as these substances are banned and considered performance-enhancing.

The use of supplements like creatine, however, is natural and does not jeopardize one’s natty status. In the end, the decision to use or not to use performance-enhancing substances is a personal choice.

Brief overview of the term “natty” in the bodybuilding community

The term ‘natty’ in bodybuilding has become an important part of the conversation when discussing the use of performance-enhancing drugs in the sport. It is essential to understand the distinction between natty and not natty.

Natty bodybuilding emphasizes building a physique without the use of hormones or steroids, while not natty bodybuilding involves the use of performance-enhancing drugs. This debate has been ongoing in the bodybuilding community for many years and continues to be an important topic of discussion.

Importance of understanding the natty vs. not natty debate

Recognizing the distinction between natty and not natty bodybuilding is important for understanding the bodybuilding community. The debate between natty and not natty athletes has been around for centuries, and the perspective on the issue is subjective and varies from person to person.

  • Natty:
  • Achieving fitness goals without the use of performance-enhancing drugs.
  • Natural, drug-free bodybuilding and fitness achievement.
  • Not Natty:
  • Using any supplement, including over-the-counter ones.
  • Performance-enhancing drugs or hormones.

It is difficult to determine whether someone is natty without drug tests or competition results. However, certain signs can indicate the use of steroids or PEDs, such as exaggerated size and leanness, superhuman strength, and rapid muscle growth. Creatine supplements are accepted and do not jeopardize one’s natty status.

Why some bodybuilders identify as natty

Natty bodybuilding is gaining popularity as the idea of achieving fitness goals without the use of performance-enhancing drugs becomes more accepted. There are two main reasons why some bodybuilders identify as natty: first, to be recognized for doing things the right way, and second, to maintain the integrity of bodybuilding.

Natty bodybuilders rely solely on their own efforts and genetics. They emphasize natural, drug-free bodybuilding and fitness achievement and want to be respected for their hard work. For these athletes, it’s about proving that they can reach their goals without shortcuts.

Natty bodybuilders also want to maintain the integrity of the sport. By staying away from performance-enhancing drugs, they help keep the sport honest and as natural as possible. This helps to ensure that bodybuilding is a fair competition and that all the athletes are on an even playing field.

Natty bodybuilding is a personal decision and is based on one’s own perspective and ethical beliefs. For those who choose to follow this path, it is a way to prove that you can achieve greatness without taking shortcuts.

The Benefits of Natty Bodybuilding

Advocates of natty bodybuilding often cite the numerous benefits to pursuing a drug-free approach. Natty bodybuilding emphasizes hard work, dedication, and natural genetics, encouraging a healthy lifestyle. Building a strong and aesthetic physique without chemical assistance is possible.

Natty bodybuilders achieve a sense of accomplishment knowing their goals were achieved through their own hard work. The natural approach encourages the development of healthy habits and a balanced diet. Additionally, natty bodybuilders are free from health risks associated with performance-enhancing drugs.

Natty bodybuilders are also more likely to be respected by their peers for their dedication and commitment to drug-free bodybuilding. Lastly, many natty bodybuilders take pride in their accomplishments, displaying their physiques as a source of pride and a testament to their commitment to a natural approach.

What Does ‘Not Natty’ Mean in Body Building

The term ‘not natty’ is used in the bodybuilding community to refer to athletes who use external aids to increase muscle growth. These aids can include anabolic steroids, SARMs, and other performance-enhancing drugs.

In contrast, ‘natty’ bodybuilders rely solely on their own efforts and genetics to build their physique, avoiding the use of any performance-enhancing drugs.

While the distinction between natty and not natty bodybuilders is subjective, the use of performance-enhancing drugs can be seen as a shortcut and is not looked upon favorably in the bodybuilding community.

Explanation of being ‘enhanced’ or using external aids for muscle growth

Using anabolic steroids, SARMs, or other banned substances can push someone into the not-natty category. These substances are often taken to achieve faster and more drastic results than can be achieved naturally. They are taken to increase muscle size, strength, and recovery rates.

  • Benefits:
  • Faster muscle growth
  • Greater strength
  • Risks:
  • Health complications
  • Legal consequences

The use of performance-enhancing drugs can be appealing to some bodybuilders, but the risks should be weighed against the potential benefits. It is important to be aware of the potential consequences before deciding to use these substances.

Natty bodybuilders should be aware of the risks and potential consequences before deciding to use these substances.

The contrast between natty and not natty bodybuilders

There is a stark contrast between bodybuilders who achieve their fitness goals naturally and those who use performance-enhancing drugs.

Natty bodybuilders emphasize natural, drug-free bodybuilding and fitness achievement, while those using drugs look to get an edge on the competition. It is difficult to define what constitutes as “natty” as it is subjective, but it is recognizable when seen.

Performance-enhancing drugs are often used to build muscle and strength faster, but with that comes greater risks. Natural bodybuilders rely solely on their own efforts and genetics to build muscle and strength.

Accusing someone of being not natty is taken seriously in the bodybuilding community. Ultimately, the decision of whether to use drugs or not is a personal choice and should be respected.

Examples of successful natural bodybuilders

Successful bodybuilders have been able to achieve impressive physiques without the use of performance-enhancing drugs. Natural bodybuilding requires dedication and consistency, and there are many examples of successful natty bodybuilders that have achieved remarkable results.

  • Notable Natural Bodybuilders:
  • Jay Cutler – 4-time Mr. Olympia winner
  • John Hansen – Mr. Natural Olympia winner
  • Calum von Moger – IFBB Pro Bodybuilder
  • Commonalities:
  • Dedication to a drug-free lifestyle
  • Consistent diet and training
  • Focus on improving physique

These bodybuilders demonstrate that the level of success achieved is not dependent on the use of performance-enhancing drugs. Natty bodybuilders are able to achieve impressive physiques with dedication and consistency.

The potential and limitations of a natural physique

The potential and limitations of a natural physique are determined by the individual’s commitment and dedication to the lifestyle. A natty bodybuilder’s diet and exercise regimen must be consistent, and the athlete must adhere to the rules of the sport to achieve their goals. Natty bodybuilders must be aware of their own genetic limitations and work within those boundaries.

They must also be mindful of their physical and mental health. Achieving a high level of physical fitness requires dedication and discipline, but the rewards of a fit, healthy body can be immense. Natural bodybuilders must also be aware of the risks associated with using performance-enhancing drugs, and the potential consequences of breaking the rules of the sport.

Overall, a natty physique is achievable with dedication, hard work, and an understanding of one’s own body and limitations.

Does It Matter If a Body Builder or Athlete is Natty or Not

The debate around the acceptability of using performance-enhancing drugs in bodybuilding and athletics is a complex one.

On the one hand, there are those who believe that the use of such drugs gives an unfair advantage to those who use them.

On the other hand, there are those who argue that these substances are a part of the modern competitive environment and should be accepted as a result.

Ethical considerations must also be taken into account, as performance-enhancing drugs can have long-term health consequences and other risks.

Additionally, competition rules must be taken into account as not all competitions allow for the use of performance-enhancing drugs.

Pros and cons of both paths

Considering the available options, it is important to weigh the pros and cons of pursuing a drug-free bodybuilding regimen versus using performance-enhancing drugs.


  • Pros: Natural physique, relies solely on own efforts & genetics, recognition for doing things the right way.
  • Cons: Unattainable size & strength without supplementation, risk of not reaching desired goals.


  • Pros: Quicker results, bigger size & strength.
  • Cons: Risk of health issues, potential legal issues, cheating & dishonesty.

Ultimately, the decision to use performance-enhancing drugs or pursue a drug-free bodybuilding regimen comes down to individual goals, ethics, and beliefs.

Ethical considerations and the role of competition rules

Competition rules play an important role in determining whether bodybuilding is done drug-free or performance-enhanced. The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and International Olympic Committee (IOC) have stringent rules regarding the use of performance-enhancing drugs and have implemented bans and penalties for those found guilty of breaking them.

In bodybuilding, athletes are judged based on the size and aesthetics of their physique, and the use of performance-enhancing drugs is seen as a shortcut to achieving these goals. The rules of a competition or federation may disqualify athletes with a history of using banned substances, thus preserving the integrity of the competition.

Many bodybuilding organizations now have drug testing policies to ensure all competitors are drug-free. While the use of performance-enhancing drugs is still a controversial topic, the ethical considerations and competition rules ensure that the bodybuilding community remains as fair and balanced as possible.

Diving into Specifics: Are These Natty

Creatine is a supplement many bodybuilders and athletes use to increase muscle strength and size. It is a nitrogenous organic acid naturally produced in the body and found in red meats. Creatine functions by providing energy to muscles.

Debate exists surrounding its status as a ‘natural’ supplement, with some believing its use should disqualify someone from being considered ‘natty’.

Pre-workout supplements are also often used in bodybuilding. Understanding pre-workouts’ components is important for determining their ‘natural’ status.

Is Creatine Natty

International Olympic Committee and World Anti-Doping Association allow athletes to use creatine, making it a natural supplement, not a performance-enhancing drug. Creatine is naturally produced in the body and found in red meats, and helps increase the amount of creatine consumed. Supplement ingredients like caffeine, nitrogen, glucose, BCAAs, and creatine are all allowed in pre-workout supplements, and do not push someone into the not-natty category. Only anabolic steroids, SARMs, or other banned substances would make someone not-natty.

Creatine Benefits:

  • Increases strength and power
  • Enhances muscle mass
  • Improves recovery

Risks of Not-Natty Supplements:

  • Health risks
  • Negative side effects
  • Legal consequences

What is creatine and how does it function

Creatine is a molecule found naturally in the human body, as well as in red meats. It plays an important role in providing energy for muscles.

It is a nitrogenous organic acid that serves as an important energy reserve, allowing muscles to perform their best during exercise. Creatine helps muscles rebuild phosphocreatine, which is a type of energy that is used to power movements.

In addition to providing energy, creatine can also help increase muscle size and strength. It does this by allowing for more intense workouts and helping muscles recover quickly.

Because of these benefits, creatine supplementation is often used by bodybuilders to help them reach their goals faster. However, it is important to note that creatine is natural and not a performance-enhancing drug. Therefore, it does not affect a bodybuilder’s natty status.

The debate surrounding its ‘natural’ status

The debate surrounding whether or not creatine is a natural supplement has been ongoing in the bodybuilding community. On one hand, it is naturally produced in the body and found in red meats. It is also approved by the International Olympic Committee and World Anti-Doping Association, as it does not enhance performance. On the other hand, it is a supplement, and some believe that any supplement is not natty.

The following points are important to consider in the debate:

  • Creatine:
  • Natural production in body
  • Found in red meats
  • Approved by IOC and WADA
  • Supplements:
  • Some consider any supplement not natty
  • Creatine is a supplement
  • Does not enhance performance

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not a bodybuilder or athlete is natty is based on the use of banned substances. Creatine is not considered a performance-enhancing drug and does not jeopardize one’s natty status.

Are Pre-Workout Supplements Natty

Bodybuilders and athletes often use pre-workout supplements to enhance performance and increase energy levels. These supplements typically contain ingredients such as caffeine, nitrogen, glucose, BCAAs, and creatine.

Creatine is natural and does not jeopardize one’s natty status. Other ingredients usually found in pre-workout supplements are also considered safe and do not affect natty status.

Anabolic steroids, selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs), and other banned substances are the only things that would push someone into the not-natty category. Many fitness models and professional athletes use steroids and PEDs, which have the potential to cause serious health risks, but also help them reach superhuman levels of strength and body composition.

Ultimately, the decision to use performance-enhancing drugs is a personal one.

Understanding the components of pre-workouts

Understanding the components of pre-workout supplements is an important part of achieving a desired fitness result. Pre-workouts often contain ingredients such as caffeine, nitrogen, glucose, BCAAs, and creatine. These ingredients are natural and do not affect one’s natty status. They help increase energy and performance levels.

Anabolic steroids, SARMs, or other banned substances are also sometimes found in pre-workout supplements. These ingredients are considered performance-enhancing drugs. The use of these substances makes someone not-natty.

It is important to know the ingredients in pre-workouts and their effects on natty status. Natural supplements like creatine are acceptable, but anabolic steroids and other banned substances are not.

Taking the time to understand pre-workout components is essential to building a strong and healthy physique in a safe and responsible way.

Evaluating their alignment with the natty ideal

The use of pre-workout supplements is a common practice among bodybuilders. There is debate over whether they are aligned with the natty ideal.

Creatine is a natural and safe supplement to use. It is considered a supplement, not a performance-enhancing drug.

Pre-workout supplements can contain ingredients such as caffeine, nitrogen, glucose, BCAAs, and creatine. These ingredients are considered acceptable for those striving to maintain their natty status.

However, anabolic steroids, SARMs, and other banned substances are not considered part of the natty ideal. Their use may disqualify a bodybuilder from the natty category.

Ultimately, natty status is determined by the use of banned substances. It is a personal choice for bodybuilders to make.

Are Steroids or PEDs Natty

Using performance-enhancing drugs, such as steroids and PEDs, is not considered to be in alignment with the natty ideal. These substances are not accepted in the bodybuilding community as they are seen as a shortcut for natural bodybuilding. It is important to consider the risks and advantages of using these substances when deciding whether to pursue them or not.


  • Negative side effects
  • Suppression of natural hormones
  • Addiction


  • Faster results
  • Increased muscle size
  • Increased strength

An overview of steroids and performance-enhancing drugs

Steroids and performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) are chemical substances that are used to boost physical performance. Anabolic steroids are the most common type of PED, and are synthetic hormones that mimic testosterone in the body. They are used to increase muscle mass, strength, and improve recovery times.

Other PEDs include Human Growth Hormone (HGH), stimulants, and SARMs. These drugs can be taken orally, injected, or applied topically. Risks associated with PED use include increased aggression, liver damage, and heart problems. If caught using them, PEDs can also lead to disqualification from competitive sports and criminal charges.

Some athletes see them as a way to gain an edge over their opponents, while others view them as a shortcut to achieving their goals. Ultimately, the decision to use PEDs is personal and comes with consequences.

Why they are considered not natty

Performance-enhancing drugs are often considered not natty due to their artificial nature. These drugs, such as anabolic steroids and SARMs, are designed to improve physical performance and appearance beyond natural potential. They are seen as a shortcut to achieving desired goals and are not approved by organizations such as the World Anti-Doping Agency.

The use of such drugs can have serious side effects, including increased aggression, potential organ damage, hair loss, and infertility. Additionally, their use can lead to disqualification from competitions due to being caught in doping tests.

The use of performance-enhancing drugs is not something to be taken lightly and should be done with caution. Those who choose to use them should understand the risks associated with them and be aware that it will disqualify them from being considered natty.

How Do You Tell If Someone is Natty

In the bodybuilding community, the term ‘natty’ refers to achieving fitness goals without the use of performance-enhancing drugs. This term is specific to bodybuilders and athletes who build their physiques naturally.

It is difficult to definitively tell if someone is natty or not, as there are multiple factors to consider. One way to determine if someone is a natural bodybuilder is by looking fo

Final Words

Natty bodybuilding, with its emphasis on holistic health and authentic muscle development, is more than just a choice—it’s a commitment to oneself. It champions discipline, perseverance, and the art of harnessing one’s innate potential. By focusing on the essential exercises, one not only enhances physical stature but also nurtures a deeper understanding of the body’s capabilities and limitations. Legends of the past and modern-day titans have showcased that achieving greatness without artificial enhancements is not only possible, but also incredibly rewarding.

Stan Quinn
Stan Quinn
Stan Quinn, the founder of "The Body Builder" and formerly Body Guider, isn't just a business owner – he embodies the spirit of holistic fitness. With a degree in sports nutrition, Stan blends academic knowledge with practical expertise, ensuring that his gym members receive not just physical training but also nutritional guidance tailored to their unique needs. Over the years, Stan's passion for fitness has extended beyond the gym's walls. As a fervent sports enthusiast, he understands the intricacies of athletic performance and is dedicated to helping both amateur athletes and fitness novices achieve their goals. Under his leadership, "The Body Builder" has grown from a mere gym to a comprehensive fitness hub where every member feels empowered, educated, and inspired. Stan's commitment to excellence, combined with his in-depth understanding of sports nutrition, makes him a revered figure in the fitness community.

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