Friday, October 18, 2024



Artificial sweeteners: sugar-free, but at what cost? - Harvard Health Blog  - Harvard Health Publishing


Whether you are a maintaining a healthy eating habits you should already been cutting sugar or at least reducing anything related to sugar

Sugar has been in all studies the reason of all kind of health problems from putting up weight and reducing your overall fitness performance to adding unneeded calories you don’t need

Also being a diabetic will make you on restricted on using any form of sugar unless you had your insulin

So, thanks to the developments all over the years for the sweeteners which will let you have your regular coffee or dessert without having to worry about anything


It is sugar substitute which has a very similar taste to sugar with no or extremely low calorie and does not raise blood insulin so in another word the body does not recognize it as sugar so it is perfect for diabetics


Based on FDA every sweetener is different from its source to how it works in our bodies to aftertaste; below we will study each sweetener


Brand names:  Sweet and Low®, Sweet Twin®, Sweet’N Low®, and Necta Sweet® it is 200 to 700 times sweeter than sugar and it has zero calories

Aftertaste: Bitter

Saccharine is actually kind of sodium and it is called sodium saccharine

It is also the oldest sweetener discovered to date back in 1879

There was lots of rumors that it is linked to bladder cancer and that was actually related to a story ; Back in 1970 scientists were testing the saccharine on lab rats which caused the rats bladder cancer then they started putting warning labels that the product contain saccharine until further studies done in human which contradict the earlier studies and the clarification is that Rats will get a bladder cancer from sodium anyway and since saccharine is another form of sodium which affect rats it is irrelevant to human but since then rumors still talking about cancer in humans specially in social media which is all fake


Brand names: Nutrasweet®, Equal®, and Sugar Twin® found in (Coke Zero, Diet 7-up, Diet sprite, Diet Pepsi, Dr.pepper

Aftertaste: sweet as sugar a low bitter aftertaste at the end

Since FDA approved it in 1981 it has been widely spread all over the world and in 1997 FDA approved to be used in cold beverages and the reason behind that;

Aspartame taste very similar to sugar in soda drinks however it is not heat stable so diet sodas should always be in the fridge and the more its outside it tend to lose its sweet taste that is why you cannot use aspartame in any baked goods

FDA has stated also it is completely safe however people with rare hereditary disease known as phenylketonuria (PKU) have difficult time metabolizing it


Brand names: Splenda® sugar, sugar-free Jello, some local sweeteners

Also used in most supplements, whey protein, BCAA and pre-workout

Aftertaste: sweet as sugar no aftertaste

In 1999 Sucralose has been approved by FDA to be used as a general-purpose sweetener and it is 600 times sweeter than sugar

Sucralose is very popular you will find it in some sodas, baked diet goods, diet ice cream, chewing gum, it is also heat stable it means that you can use it to bake or to be added in tea and coffee

There have been 110 studies reviewed by FDA and it is considered totally safe for consumption however many have had stomach upset which they had allergy from stevia which caused them stomach bloating, gases and diarrhea that was from bad bacteria in the gut due to sucralose accumulation in stomach

Sucralose is manufactured from sugar itself as a derivative


Brand names: Stevia , Truvia, Pure Via, and SweetLeaf

Also used in most supplements, whey protein, BCAA and pre-workout

Aftertaste: Same Sugar, No aftertaste

Stevia is the most natural sweetener ever and the most expensive one and if you look at any natural or organic products, they must use stevia it has almost no aftertaste at all and does not have any negative effect on your gut and it is found in Stevia rebaudiana (Bertoni) a native plant in South America it is also totally safe as per FDA

Many countries sell the stevia leaves itself which is too sweet and can be used in tea or coffee and it is also heat stable and unless you are living in US , Canada or south America ;countries in Asia, Africa ,Middle east and some parts in Europe Stevia is expensive however it is recommended as it is natural does not have aftertaste and completely comfortable on stomach

3.5 SUGAR ALCOHOLS (sorbitol, xylitol, lactitol, isomalt, maltitol)

Brands: most local sweeteners, Diet Halawa Ikhwan (middle-east), diet Jams,

Sugar alcohol are carbohydrates although it is far less harmful than sugar but is not as safe as other sweeteners and some of them raise blood sugar very slightly due to presence of carbs

Aftertaste: Fresh taste as sugar almost no aftertaste

Although sugar alcohol is totally safe it should be consumed in moderation as it is worst when it comes to digestion and most consumers have reported upset stomach, bloating and gases, and some can have a diarrhea reach up to 4 days and in some cases they get very sick where they have to go to the hospital to flush the stomach.

Sorbitol also found in many fruits as blackberries, raspberries and strawberries, apples, apricots, avocados, cherries, peaches and plums.

Again, it depends from a person to another but in general if consumed lot of sugar alcohols you will have a very bad day

spoon of powder


Whether you are a diabetic / bodybuilder or on a diet that ultimate guide for sweeteners is very beneficial , you have understand what are you consuming and you have to read on every product what kind of sweetener in it , although there is a guidelines for all sweeteners by FDA there is always false information by individuals, social media which miss leads many people so it is important to let go those miss leading sources , we are always trying to make sure we get all the info from scientific sources


What is the healthiest artificial sweetener?

The healthiest artificial sweetener is subjective and varies based on individual health needs and reactions. Generally, stevia and erythritol are considered safe and healthy options as they are natural, low in calories, and have a minimal impact on blood sugar levels.

What is the perfect sweetener?

There is no universally “perfect” sweetener as preferences and health considerations vary; however, natural sweeteners like stevia and honey are often recommended for their lower impact on blood sugar and additional health benefits compared to artificial sweeteners.

Mohammed Riad
Mohammed Riad
Mohammed Riad is not just any pro bodybuilder; he's a testament to discipline, dedication, and drive. His chiseled physique speaks volumes of his commitment to the sport, but there's more to Mohammed than meets the eye. Beyond the weights and the stage, he's an avid writer, seamlessly weaving his extensive knowledge of bodybuilding into compelling narratives. Mohammed's articles at The Body Builder, formerly know as Body Guider, bridge the gap between hardcore training techniques and the philosophy of bodybuilding, making them invaluable resources for both seasoned athletes and newcomers to the sport. His unique blend of physical prowess and intellectual depth has earned him respect both inside and outside the gym. Through his words and his physique, Mohammed Riad continues to inspire and enlighten the fitness community, proving that muscles and mind can, indeed, coexist powerfully.

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