Growth Hormone (GH), a vital hormone produced by the pituitary gland, plays a crucial role in muscle growth and fat metabolism. Maintaining elevated levels of this hormone is key to harnessing its benefits. In the following discussion, we will explore effective strategies for enhancing GH levels, both naturally and through supplementary means.
This exploration includes an understanding of HGH and GH transformations, providing insights into how these hormonal changes can significantly impact physical development and metabolic processes. Whether seeking natural methods or considering enhancements, our guide offers comprehensive advice for optimizing Growth Hormone levels in your body.
2.1 Muscle Growth and Fat Loss:
Growth Hormone play a vital role in muscle growth and recovery by boosting protein production and losing fat, no matter how much you eat and train if your HGH levels are low you will not grow
2.2 Brain function:
Growth Hormone also does have an effect on your overall brain function and memory, It also improve your learning functions during the day
2.3 Healing:
Healing after an injury or wound is greatly affected by HGH levels weather it is skin tissue, muscle fibers or general wound will be healed faster if your HGH level are high
2.4 Aging:
HGH has been proven to slow aging process, weather naturally or Artificially it does keep you young by boosting your metabolism
Part of the aging process is decrease muscle mass now adays it is normally to see bodybuilders 70 and 80+ with mass like young athletes due to the use of artificial HGH which simulate natural HGH levels of people in 20s
2.5 Bone
Improved bone health weather it is a fractured healing or increase bone density
3.1 Sleeping:
As we all know the triangle of growth is eat, train and sleep so if your sleep is lacking then muscle recovery will not happen
HGH is not linear while sleeping it goes ups and downs and peak during your deep sleep and when sleeping early before midnight
As sleeping goes on stages (4-stages) your last stage deep sleep is the ultimate peak of the HGH production
If you are overthinking or use lots of screen time or drank a late coffee then definitely will affect your sleep schedule
Read the full blog about sleeping https://thebodybuilder.net/sleeping-ultimate-guide/
3.2 Cut Sugar /refined carbs before sleep and workout:
As Sugar and refined carbs does spike your insulin it also causes the HGH level to reach minimum levels so make sure you do not consume sugar before going to bed and once your finish your workout where both these time your HGH levels are on the peak
So what you should consume to utilize the high HGH levels?
Protein shake is the best
So if you want to have your bed time meal make sure to have it at least one hour before sleep
3.3 Healthy Eating:
A well-balanced diet which will keep a stable insulin levels will also maintain a high HGH secretion
What food boost the maximum growth hormone levels?
Eggs, Fish, Nuts, Grapes, Raspberries, Pomegranate, Tomato
3.4 High Intensity Training:
Training with high intensity has been linked to high HGH levels specially post training immediately so when you take your protein shake you utilize those spike on HGH to boost muscle recovery
3.5 Intermittent Fasting:
Intermittent fasting increase HGH levels by 300% which is significantly high as your insulin levels goes to minimum due to fasting, HGH secretion also increased
3.6 Supplements:
There is plenty of supplements around us boost your natural Growth Hormone so make sure you consume them regularly
Glutamine, Arginine, Ornithine, Glycine
However now adays there is plenty of supplements that will be a mix of these amino acids which you can buy instead of taking each of these amino acids separately
“HGH” is a single-chain protein made of 191 amino acids, For Enhanced bodybuilders, Actors, fashion models or whoever looking for a transformation is always looking to add HGH on their routine and it is considered one of the safest drug in the market
Weather you are young or old , HGH do wonders in terms of transformation

A. Doses (has to be prescriber by your doctor)
Beginner dose: 1 IU before sleep up to 4 IU before sleep
Advanced bodybuilders: 10 IU split into two doses 5 IU on empty stomach and 5 IU before sleep
However, you should know that HGH do work for long period of time a minimum of 12 weeks cycle is recommended
(make sure not to consume a fast carb meal or sugar before sleep)
However, in order to get the maximum benefit of HGH for enhanced bodybuilders we recommend consuming Insulin along with a full testosterone cycle
The injection should best be taken in the body fat however some do inject it intramuscular
B. Side Effects
- Arm Numbing
- Stomach pain
- Nausea
- Tiredness
- Oversleeping or under sleeping (change in sleep pattern)
- Mood Change
- High Cholesterol levels
Major due to excessive use of HGH:
- Type 2 Diabetes
- Increase risk of cancer development
- Increase of bone structure
- Increase Gut size
- Increase heart size
we recommend to be administered by your doctor before consuming
If you are competing bodybuilder weather you are a man or a woman you must be enhanced
if you are preparing for a bodybuilding competition you must be following a strict diet for your preparation time along with enhancements drugs and HGH
8 Week Cycle:
Weeks 1 – 4: 2IUs of HGH per day
Week 5: 2.5IUs of HGH per day
Week 6: 3IUs of HGH split into 2x 1.5IU injections per day (1 x AM and 1 x PM)
Weeks 7 – 8: 3.5IUs split into 2 x 1.75IU injections per day (AM and PM)
12-week cycle:
Weeks 1 – 4: 2IUs of HGH per day
Week 5: 4IUs of HGH per day
Week 6: 4IUs of HGH split into 2x 2IU injections per day (2 x AM and 2 x PM)
Weeks 7 – 8: 6IUs split into 2 x 3IU injections per day (AM and PM)